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Hoodoo Moses

The Power of Generations: Ancestor Connection, Veneration & Healing Webinar

The Power of Generations: Ancestor Connection, Veneration & Healing Webinar

Regular price $45.00 USD
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This is the single most important and powerful aspect of spiritual work.

Our ancestors hold not only our spiritual path and spiritual potential, but untold gifts and blessings, along with generational responsibilities for us.

In this in-depth webinar, we will discuss the theory and nature of generations, as well as the nature of the spirit and how it comes into and passes out of the body.

We will look at the difference between our forbears and the special subset of those who are our ancestors, what makes someone an ancestor and how to call on their very special resources.

We'll examine how to establish and keep an ancestor altar, the theory and practice of ancestral reverence, and performing spiritual works and conjurations with ancestors. +
Critically, we will explore revealing and resolving ancestral trauma, and the powerful practice of healing the ancestral line through yourself.

We'll discuss what to do with unwanted or wicked ancestors, how to summon your ancestor spirits to your attention and more.

ALSO, esteemed Olorisha and pre-eminent conjure man, Doctor Solomon Elegba (@krossroadking.321) will deliver a special segment on the importance and performance of ancestral elevation.

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