Conjure Box II: Inner Gifts Collection
In This Box:
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Guided Intuition
For spiritual guidance, progression in spiritual understanding, spiritual assistance.
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Inner Vision
To assist focused dreaming, for boosting intuition, for elevating spiritual frequency
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Earth's Wisdom
To connect with plant, animal and nature spirits
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To enhance manifestation of spiritual work
Suggested Rituals
These are merely suggestions - please feel free to adapt to your tradition, tools, etc.
Guided Intuition Ritual
- Candles: 2 White, 1 Blue
- Additional Materia:
- Small metal compass rose
- A small bird skull
- A white plate
- Blue cordage
- Procedure:
- Write your name and date of birth in a ring around the plate
- Place the bird skull on top of the compass rose in the center of the plate.
- Set the candles on the plate as pictured here:
- Dress the skull and compass rose in Guided Intuition formula
- Use the blue candle to light the skull and compass rose on fire.
- Light each of the white candles from the burning skull.
- Set the candles in their places.
- Close your eyes
- Focus on perceiving the light through your closed eyes.
- Focus on the Third Eye area, ~1.5" above your eyes, centered between your two eyes.
- Direct your breath and vital energy to this point
- Notice tingling at this point - try to concentrate the tingling/electric feeling until you feel the area open.
- With the third eye point open, keeping your eyes closed, focus on the bird skull.
- Open your eyes.
- Coat the skull and compass rose in the wax from the blue candle.
- Tie the compass rose/bird skull in blue cord and hang it around your neck so that it rests over your heart.
- To use the amulet
- Feed the bundle a few drops of Guided Intuition formula and wear it over your heart.
- Best to wear over your heart for at least three hours.
- Lie down, close your eyes, place the charm bundle over your third eye and focus until you feel your Third Eye open and activate.
Inner Vision Ritual

- Candles: 1 White, 1 Blue, 1 Yellow
- Additional Materia:
- A silk scarf
- Two iolite or moldavite stones that fit comfortably over your eyes
- A marker
- Procedure
- Lay out the silk scarf before you.
- Place the stones on the scarf.
- Arrange the candles and stones around the scarf as shown:

- Light the candles.
- Draw a cross over your heart and another cross over Third Eye with Inner Vision Formula.
- Close your eyes, inhale deeply, and allow your attention to gently shift inwards.
- Focus on releasing any tension and allowing your inner experience to flow and change according to its inclination.
- If your focus shifts to your experience in your body, ask the experience how it wants to change right now.
- If your focus shifts to your Self, remind yourself to open and receive.
- Allow whatever symbol(s) or image(s) that want to deposit themselves into your mind to do so.
- Open your eyes and draw the symbol(s) and/or image(s) on the silk scarf with a marker.
- When the candles are done, wrap the stones in the scarf and put the bundle someplace private until you plan to use it.
- To use the stones + scarf:
- Anoint the scarf in Inner Vision formula.
- Lie down and place the stones over your eyes.
- Tie the scarf snugly over the stones, with the drawings you made facing inwards.
- Draw a cross over your heart and Third Eye with Inner Vision formula.
- Relax and invite the vision to fill your mind.
- If you receive any new symbols or images, add them to the scarf after you have finished your vision.
Earth's Wisdom Ritual
Candles: [None]
- Additional Materia:
- Dirts
- Dirt from a mountain top
- Dirt from a forest
- Dirt/sand from a sea/ocean
- Dirt/sand from a desert
- Procedure:
- Place the items in the order given
- Bones from a BirdBones from a MammalBones from a FishBones form a Reptile
- Cottonwood leavesVetiver rootWater lilliesDragon's Blood resin
- Your hairYour toenailsYour fluids
- Can be any or any combination of your fluids, collected in a vial
- SalivaTearsBloodSexual fluidsetc
- Fingernails
- Hair
- Toenails
- Fluids
- Desert Sand
- Mountain Dirt
- Forest Dirt
- Sea Sand
- Dragonsblood Resin
- Cottonwood Leaves
- Vetiver Root
- Water Lilly Petals
- Reptile Bones
- Bird Bones
- Mammal Bones
- Fish Bones
- Combine each quadrant into a separate clay vessel as follows
- Fingernails, Desert Sand, Dragonsblood Resin, Reptile Bones
- Hair, Mountain Dirt, Cottonwood Leaves, Bird Bones
- Toenails, Forest Dirt, Vetiver Root, Mammal Bones
- Fluids, Sea Sand, Water Lilly Petals, Fish Bones
- Feed each vessel Earths Wisdom formula and set on fire
- After the fire has burned down, grind the contents of each vessel to powder and return them to their respective vessel
- Lay the vessels out on the cloth as pictured:
- Add a little water to the bottom left vessel.
- Just a few ounces is plenty.
- Pour the contents of the bottom left vessel into the top left vessel and mix well.
- Breathe over the contents of the top left vessel.
- Add Earth's Wisdom formula to the top right vessel and set on fire.
- Pour the contents of the bottom right vessel into the top right vessel.
- Pour the contents of the top left vessel into the top right vessel to extinguish the fire.
- Wrap the red cloth over the vessel containing everything and set in a hidden place to dry.
- Ideally, the place should be in nature, preferably in a cave or buried.
- After 16 days, check to see if the contents are dry. If they are still damp, cover again and check after 4 days. Check every 4 days until it is dry, up to 28 days.
- Scrape the dried contents out of the vessel and place them in the center of the red cloth.
- Draw the corners of the cloth together to create a bundle.
- Wind the cord 16 times around the neck of the bundle to create a pouch and tie the ends with 16 knots.
- Dress the bundle with Earth's Wisdom formula and feed it tobacco smoke.
To Use the Bundle
- Dress it in Earth's Wisdom formula and feed it tobacco smoke.
- Tuck it into your clothes to wear it against your body as you work with the spirits of nature, animals, plants, and places.
Manifestation Ritual

- Timing: Begin under a new moon (see below for full timing)
Candles: White
- Additional Materia:
- A small wooden box or chest
- A lodestone that fits in the chest
- A brand new pen or marker
- A square of parchment paper
- Genuine gold leaf foil
- Sheepskin glue
- Available under the brand name "Old Brown Glue"
- Powdered marble or limestone
- New small paintbrushes or applicators
- Procedure:
- Write your full name and date of birth on the inside bottom of the box
- Write them again on the inside top of the box
- Paint the remaining four inside faces of the box with Manifestation formula.
- Mix the glue with a little powdered stone and paint the bottom and four sides of the box
- Carefully lay the gold leaf into the box using a brush or applicator
- While you allow the gilding to dry, repeat the process over the inside of the lid of the box
- Allow all of the gilding to set until the moon is full.
- For the three nights of the full moon
- Open the box under the full moon and catch the light on the gilding.
- Dress the white candle in Manifestation formula and allow to dry.
- Burn the white candle inside the box.
- Place the lodestone inside the box, dress it in Manifestation formula and close the lid.
- To Use the Box for Manifestation
- On the New Moon, write what you want to manifest on a piece of parchment paper with a new pen or marker
- Place a drop of Manifestation Formula in each of the four corners and the center of the parchment
- Sprinkle some magnetic sand into the bottom of the box
- Place the parchment over the magnetic sand
- Place the lodestone on top of the parchment
- Close the lid of the box
- On each of the three nights of the full moon, open the box and expose everything inside to the full moonlight while you focus intently on what you want to manifest.
- Close the box and repeat on each full moon until the intention is manifested.
- Once the manifestation is complete
- Remove the parchment, allowing the magnetic sand to reach the lodestone.
- Burn the parchment to ash and bury the ashes in your back yard
- If you don't have a back yard, you can bury the ashes in a potted plant by your back door.